The film I have chosen is ‘the life and death of Charlie st cloud’. This film represents many different things as you can see when you have seen the film but I have chosen to pick out the main representations life and death and how life and death are represented in general and in terms of this film, in this film The life and death of Charlie st cloud is about a boy called Charlie st cloud, he has a younger brother called Sam aged 14, since they were young children they have been playing baseball and sailing together every day at a certain time, this shows a strong bonding between the brothers, at the beginning there is a sense where Charlie is on ‘Sam duty’ where he has to look after his brother Sam for the night as their mum works on a extra shift. That night Charlie had to look after his brother, Charlie sneaked out into his car, as he turned the ignition on you see Sam just outside in front of the car, Sam wanted to go to his mates house to watch a game. As Charlie is driving they come across traffic but suddenly another car comes behind them and knocks the back of the car that Charlie is driving and the car spins, turning it round and out of the traffic line there is a pause but out of nowhere a truck drives into the side of the car where Sam is sitting and then you see the car rolling down the hill. This shows balance of life and death as some people can survive certain car accidents.
We next see Sam and Charlie outside the car on the floor waiting for the ambulance and police, but we only see that this was an imagination of Charlie’s thought’s of what just had happened while he is in the ambulance getting medical help to revive him, the image of what Charlie is thinking about fades then goes into the ambulance scene this represents life and death as there is 50% chance of Charlie dyeing even though it was a short representation, we next see Sam’s body covered by a sheet in the ambulance just on the other side, this shows Sam is dead which represents death.
The next scene is when Charlie and his mum and everyone else with in the town who knew Sam where at Sam’s funeral, just by having Charlie at the funeral you can see that life and death are represented straight away as there is a coffin showing death of his brother and Charlie is over looking down on it this show that Charlie is alive representing life, as Charlie is asked to put the glove in the grave he says ‘I can’t’ then runs away into the woods, he falls and drops the glove and the baseball, we see that the baseball rolls back, as Charlie lift’s he’s head we see Sam again but we know it is a ghost of Sam, though out the film we see the ghost of Sam and Charlie talk and play baseball like they used to when Sam was alive, this shows that Charlie doesn’t want Sam to die he feels like Sam is still alive in his heart, Sam’s death took an impact on Charlie as we find out 5years later Charlie has not left like he was meant to he stayed on and is working in the grave yard where Sam is buried. No one can see Sam only Charlie, later on Charlie meets a girl, they end up together and we see how they connect in different ways ,how they have become so strong together. in this scene death is represented as the girl Tess is runni9ng after her dogs and shots out to a friend to get her dog but no response and then Tess looks into a window of as shop and she doesn’t see her own reflection which shows she is not alive and she is a ghost image, we find out Tess is at shore unconsous Charlie feels that she is alive and finds her and saves her life. At the end of the film Charlie lets Sam go and starts a new life in a way with Tess.
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