Sunday, 9 January 2011

Catch up on our filing process

on thursday 6th january 2011, sean simmons, paula pleckauskalte and i started filming for our title sequence, this is a late start to film that we had planed but we have managed to film quite a lot of scenes 4,6,8,10,12,14,17,19,21,22,23,24,25.The scenes that have been film are mainly the males scene, these involve the boy which is called 'Danny' who is played by sean simmons. paula and sean started to film scenes 4,6,8,10,12 and 14 as theses are inside a house and at the time i was not able to attend, these scene involve showing the character 'danny'(sean) what he does on that day. we see 'danny' looking in the mirror in scene 4 and then in scences 6,8 we see pictures of a young girl 'Leila' who is played by paula pleackauskalte these pitcures we see of 'Leila' in 'danny's room is a clue in a way as the we see later on, we thought this was a good idea as the pictures of 'Leila' would show that there is something going on with these two character but not reveling the full story. in scene 8 'danny' is in a small dark room wearing a long black coat, he zips up his coat to leave his house which shows a part of him that is mysterious also the scene 10 were 'Danny' picks up a black bag was simple and a easy shot as we saw his arm and hand still keeping the mystery within the character.but as we were filming the scenes 4,6,8,10,12 and14 it started to get dark as time went on,we thought this would have been an issue for our outside filming as the weather changed and instead if being light it had changed to being dimmer making us have less light, however as we were in the process of filming scenes17,19,21,22,23,24 and 25 we did not have a problem in the end as much as we thought we was going to have it turned out really good as the street lights were on and cars going past at certain moments gave a real,natural and good effect on our filming. The fact of it being dark was even better to show the genre of thriller. As we were filming the point of view from 'Danny', Sean Simmons, there were cars going past and the lights from the cars behind 'Leila',Paula Pleckauskaite, and the lamp post light above her, have hidden her face not knowing who exactly is walking towards 'Danny' but as she walks closer her figure appears and we were still able to see that the person walking towards Danny was a female. at first the effect of not being able to see 'Leila's' face,(paula pleckauskaite) did not appeal to us whilst filming, but as we have filmed with it we have found it to be rather interesting and made the scene different as the light had made the girl look like angle or someone very important which she is as she is one of the main characters, having the light upon her face hints that she could be the good character from the film. Also because her identity is hidden by the light it makes you think who is that? ,giving of a mysterious effect,the viewer(s) left wanting to know more. there were a few problems we had to sort out, the first one was the darkness did tend to have it's down moments as it was a  problem towards one of our scenes which could not be filmed as we had hoped for.scene 21 was supposed to be filmed on a field,so we thought a big open field up log hill  would be perfect but this filming was impossible as it was too dark and therefore we had to change the location. The location we had changed it to was a road near by and it worked rather well, this is because the natural surroundings for example the trees and the lighting had given it a dark, dull, scary/ intense towards the scene and a dark mysterious side towards Danny.the second  problem was it was quite cold and as it was raining the environment was wet outside, this did not let us take our time with the filming as much as we could have, as it was hard to focus and was not planned to film in that weather we were hoping to film in the daytime for natural light and clear sky, even though we had these problems whilst we were filming all of the scenes that we have done came out the way we wanted them to come out some even better, which had made us very pleased and suprised. Some scenes were filmed twice just in case one of them went wrong, this was a good idea as we have a choice now of what to choose instead of sticking to one which may be a bad shot/scene. We have went along with our story board but some of the timing may be a bit different by 1 or 2 seconds. Overall the filming went successfully and we had fun while filming.

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